Saturday, February 6, 2010

Inspiring Moment of Grace

This week has been rough. Too rough. Too many tears to explain. God has been asked "Why?" too many times. I am thankful to have the friends I do. They helped me walk through this week and get through this week, even if they dont know how or if they did, they did. I am thankful for Bobby, for his shoulder I cried on. For my Grace. My heart is so full because of her. Not complete, but full.

One day, we will have another baby. I just know it. And when we do, it will be a beautiful day. Until then...

"Grace". A moment you dont ever expect to be handed and then... BAM. It's how you come through those moments... and this one came through with GRACE.

Read. Be Inspired. I was.


  1. I hope you are okay! I so wish you could be blessed with MANY more babies! I know it will in GOD! Many hugs and prayers for you! xo

  2. I'm so sorry to hear you had a rough week, Carolyn. Thanks for posting the story of Nella's birth. Absolutely beautiful.

  3. Hi Carolyn, you like so many young women want a baby so bad. Corie has another friend who payed alot for fertility treatments and it failed, she has not had any children yet, and it is killing her --she is not herself anymore, and I know it is because she longs to be a Mother so bad. God has plans for you, he will be there for you, I do not understand the why's and why nots, but God is in Control and I will Pray for God to give you the desires of your heart.
    Keep the faith and Grace be with you!!!!
