Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Disney on Ice

We had an AMAZING time. So memorable and fun. Our seats could not have been better and Gracie was beyond herself with excitement from beginning to end. I could NOT believe cotton candy was $10 or that an icee was $12 ($14 if you wanted a "special" spoon... I took my chances with a regular ol white one), it was the memory that was made for our "G" that made the night special. Enjoy the pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carolyn!!!!
    Those memories are Priceless!!!! She looks so happy!!!! WE took our kids to it one time and we also sat on the first row, it was my birthday, as it is just a few days away and that is what I wanted to take the family to Disney on Ice!!!!!
    I love Cotton Candy, and wow 10.00 but I would have done it!!!!
    It is such a small world!!!!
    First one of my Discount Tire Manager wife friends is GOOD friends with you guys from the gym, was even at your wedding!!!! JOY Osborn!!!! And Tony??????Then Dan Fazio --a high school friend of mine and your Mom's and I think Aunt Laura may ahve gone to a dance with him our freshmen year if my memory serves me right!!! Well he is Great friends with your Father in law!!!! But Bobby Bruce is his facebook friend as well as I !!!!!
    So what a small world huh????
    great night out!!!!
