Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cup run'eth over....

We have been getting back into the schedule of the fast approaching school year. Gracie will have her first day of school on Tuesday, September 8th. Her teacher is Ms. Shaefer, both Gracie, Bobby and myself are anticipating this transition to pre-school to be wonderful. Gracie will be going 2 days a week for 2 hours and 45minutes. She is beyond excited to start at the "BIG kids school". We have many things going on to prepare her for this transition. She has two very BEST girlfriends who also have been going to NCS for the Mom's Day Out program and they all have been told that they are each in their own rooms, with different teachers. Gracie did not handle this well, poor thing is a child of consistency. But as it sits on her, she is accepting it.

Gracie is also learning that her beloved Lala (hold nose now please) will not be joining her at school or leaving this house any longer. Between family, friends and the ever persistant pediatrician, we have to start removing Lala from her life. Which breaks mommy's heart. I know it is for the better, really I do, but I love the attachment she has with her "friend" and I can understand it as I always had my blankie and my parents never took it away. Unfortunately, Gracie uses Lala as a "soother", much like a pacifier, and the poor cotton lamb smells terrible (not even a mother could love this smell), it is constantly moist, and no matter how many times a day (yes, a DAY) I wash and/or bleach and/or boil in vinegar, it still stinks and now leaves a bright red rash on Gracie's cheek and more recently, moving up to her eye. I am sure we are an infection away from it being staph. :( So, stay tuned as we say good-bye to Lala.

Gracie is surprising us DAILY with her new attempts at impressing us. On Friday, she asked to color as she always does, and this time when she was done, a masterpiece was revealed and Bobby and I have NEVER, EVER been so proud. It is so much love it is crazy.

In other Gracie news, she is back in swim (until it gets to cold, you know, December) one day a week, dance on Friday for an hour and gymnastics on Saturday for an hour. She LOVES to stay busy. So between school, and activities, we are finally in a lovely routine that keeps us busy and happy. We look forward to school fieldtrips and class activities, Christmas dance recital and much more. Such exciting things ahead.


  1. BUSY BUSY!!! Can't believe it is back to school, she will have SO much fun!! How scary about someone stealing a pic of her, I didn't even notice you were gone and off facebook....I am SAD now!:( I am so glad I can continue to see what you are all doing on here though!

  2. HI Carolyn!!!
    Corie told me at dinner tonight about the photo ordeal with gracie, that is terrible and my biggest fear with Blogging and facebook, I'm ready to get rid of face book also, I really never wanted to get started with it, but soemhow I ended up with an aact, I never knew I started and I got tired of getting all these friends looking for me things.....:>(
    I would love to find out from the Law Office that C.J. works at if there is some way to Proscecute, that is terreble and should be against the law!!!!!
    I'm considering going private now.....
    I love that picture your darling daughter drew of her great family, I remeember those early drawings and I save them too!!!!! I would frame that one!!!haha
    She is a big girl going to Preschool now!!! I hate to take away things babies and kids are so attached to but I know you and I have to sometimes, I would say the rash is from the bleach rather then being dirty, just my opinion--haha
    but yes, I think it's time to say bye to it at least out of the house--as germs are everywhere!!!!
    Have a fun rest of this HOT summer!!!!!!
