Instead of going to NCS this year, we decided to send Gracie to one of my best friends, Sarah. She teaches preschool during the school year and swimming lessons during the summer and Gracie just LOVES her. She has a degree in teaching and once she started her family, decided to only teach preschool out of her house, which she has been doing the past 12 years. She lives literally 3 minutes away and school is still 2 days a week for 3 hours. This week was Gracie's very first week and she enjoyed it very much. She keeps telling me "how hard" it is. They are learning the letter "A" and the color "red" this week. Her first day we had her wear some tennis shoes and socks, and she was not happy to be wearing them one bit. She came home and asked to never, ever have to wear them again. She also prefers to only wear dresses. So, we obliged on Wednesday. We are so very blessed to have such wonderful friends who take us under their wing when needed most. Here are some fun pictures from Gracie's week at school. Enjoy! (Sorry about the camera phone pics... our camera broke before the first day of school! of course!)
Perfection wrapped in a charming smile, dream-filled eyes and a heart full of compassion.
I am your calm face; you are my giggle. I am your wait; you are my wiggle. I am your hush now; you are my lyrical. I am your peace on earth; you are my miracle. -By M. Cusimano
Gracie is a DOLL and all girl! LOVE it! Love her ballet pics too! She is so sweet!