Saturday, June 27, 2009

The rehearsal

Gracie did absolutely awesome at her dress rehearsal. She was a little ham. I do not know why I was nervous that she wouldnt go on stage. She was actually begging to go back on the stage and was not happy she only got to dance on the "big stage" once. She is so excited for todays show and I think we will have one very sad 3 year old when she doesnt get to do this again tomorrow. So, here are some photos from the "practice" recital and there will be more from todays performance.

Flea Ring Circus- Dress Rehearsal


  1. HI again!!!
    I love Ballet recitals and the 1st one is so special!!!
    I loved seeing updated photos of your little sisters!!! I cannot believe how grown up Caitlin is!!!! Megan looks exactly the same, a beautiful woman now!!!!
    I know you will have so much fun tonight at the big recital..

  2. Thank you Jamie! She did so good today. She was a natural. :) The picture of Gracie with Miss Taylor isnt Cait, she is above in the most recent post, but yes, Cait is a junior at Mtn Ridge and is on the pom line. Such a pretty and sweet soul she is. Megan is such a wonderful teacher to all the little kids, she is so wonderful. I am very blessed to have those two. I cant wait for Miss Camdyn's big debut, she is the next one!!! XO
