Monday, October 5, 2009

Two- Nine

Someone said that this year will be the end of my "Roaring Twenties". Part of me is sad and I am left wondering where in the world time has gone and the other part of me is somewhat intrigued to see what is on the "other side".

29 things to know about me:

I am a Libra

I danced ballet until I was 18

I went to New York City to dance (fun trip, MEAN teachers!)

I was in the Phoenix Honors Cotillion

I have an AMAZING Family!

I was married when I was 22

I had Grace when I was 25

I am a WILDCAT! Go U of A!!!!

I am a Pi Beta Phi

I love Starbucks

I love to workout

I still sleep with my blanket and had a piece of it walk down the aisle with me.

I love good salsa. The hotter, the better

I love to visit my friend in LA. Nothing a long walk on a pier cant solve.
I love to surprise people. Nothing makes me happier than making dinner for a friends family who needs help!

I LOVE the Fall. Love. It.

Bobby and I met at Fat Tuesdays... and we did not want to meet eachother!

I had a gorgeous little girl through IVF. She is pretty special!

I lost my Aunt to Breast Cancer 2 years ago and it still feels like yesterday. (Go get checked!)

I will be doing a half marathon in 2011. Lord help those who live with me. ;)

I graduated in 1999, and my 10 year reunion is next weekend. Sadly, I wont be there... maybe the 20!

I lost a friend on my Senior Prom night to a 49 year old Drunk Driver, and I witnessed it right outside of Prom. (Dont Drink and Drive!)

I LOVE Target

I LOVE Twilight (Edward...)

I LOVE Bobby (OME... I mean OMR)

I LOVE my Soul Sistahs!

I am terrified of heights

I Love Frozen bananas

I love where I am, right now, with life.


  1. HI Carolyn!!!
    I have not forgotten you, we just got back from 9 days of vacation in Florida and I have little Miss C this week, so I am busy to say the least, just catching up on friends blogs tonight!!!!
    I loved my 20's for reasons such as all my kids were born when I was in my 20's, my 30's were filled with fun watching them grow into wonderful human beings and I think I found myself, my real self in my 30's, my husband says no--it was in your 40's, I think because I learned how to say NO in a polite way!!! And not try and please everyone all the time!!!!Enjoy your last year of 20's, it will go fast as all years do. Which Aunt died of cancer???? Was it a sister of your Mom's???? I knew almost almost all of them, except the oldest and the youngest.So that leaves Kitty and Laura that I know!!!!
    Loved your list of things about you, I learned alot of things about I did not know!!!!

  2. Hi Jamie!
    My Aunt Mary on the Hallahan side passed away in November 2007 at the age of 51. It was quite sudden. She was diagnosed in Feb 2007, and it had already spread to the bone. She fought valiently though! She went to Maryvale HS, I believe. :)

  3. I did not know you had a friend killed on prom night! How tragic and HORRIBLE! I LOVED learning new things about you! Just made me realize MORE just how special you are!:)

  4. This is so late...but the first time I posted I had computer issues so here it goes again...

    Happy Two Nine Carolyn!!! I loved your 29 facts about you.

    There are very few words though, that actually sum up your awesomeness. You're one of a kind.

    I hope this year is your best...EVER.

    Much love,
