Saturday, June 13, 2009

What has Gracie been doing?

Gracie has had an eventful start to summer. We have just completed session 1 of her swiming lessons this year and she came out swimming in session 1! I am so blessed to have met such a wonderful person like Sarah at the gym, who is a pre-school teacher during the school year and teaches swim lessons during the summer and is absolutely, positively one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She is so patient with Gracie and Gracie, in return, adores her. With 2 more sessions to go, by the end of July, I am certain Miss G will be a pro! :)
Gracie also has her first ever dance recital on June 27th. We just had a practice with costumes, hair and makeup (mommy put VERY little on her baby. She is a BABY after all!). Gracie is one of the youngest and tiniest dancers in the number titled, "Flea Ring Circus". After recital, the studio closes until August and Gracie wants to dance some more when it re-opens. As long as she is having fun, we will dance for fun. Both Bobby and myself would like her to try some new sports once she turns 4, like tennis, t-ball or soccer.
Come back to see pictures from Gracies recital and more swimming photos too!


  1. She is SO cute! Keep the pics coming...glad you guys are having a great summer!:)

  2. HI!!!
    How wonderful she is swimming, we want our babies safe and having fun in the water, not scared or to comfortable around it!!!!It's always a BIG relief to know that IF she were to fall in, she could safely get out!!!! Way to go Gracie!!!!!
    As for that dance recital, HOW CUTE IS THAT!!!!!
    I love Dance recitals, we went to dance recitals, Corie was 3 when she started and her first recital she was almost 4, so til she turned 16??? That's alot of them!!!! But I love them!!!!!
    Wish we could come to Gracie's!!!!!

  3. You both are MORE than welcome to come to her recital. :) It is next Sat and I can email Corie info on top of that if you do want to come. She is going to be the 5th dance in the recital (we all know how long those can be) so it shouldnt be too bad for Camdyn.

    Thank you both for always writing such beautiful words on our website. You two are awesome. XO
