Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Romans 5:8, "But God demonstrated His own love towards us in this: That while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Our sins, all of our wrongdoings, icky thoughts, and impure motives can be nailed to the cross. We needn't bear them any longer, nor suffer under any guilt because of them. That is the truth about Easter! The truth is, Jesus died for everyone. His blood was spilled for me, for you. And He did not stay dead. After three days, He rose again. To this day, He lives. And our sins can all be forgiven because of what He did on the cross!
This Easter we, as a family, were reminded that we are forgiven. He has forgiven us. And that is ALL that matters.
Gracie really enjoyed having the Easter bunny visit us this year. Even though we were incredibly sick, we all were together. :)


  1. Hope you are feeling better! LOVE the pic of Grace sleeping!:) Looks like you had a Happy Easter together...that is all that matters!:)

  2. HI!!!
    YES !!!! THAT IS RIGHT!!!
    we are all forgiven and our sins our put in the sea of life, never to be found again!!!!
    We are so Blessed to have a Savior who would die for our sins!!!! And then to live in our hearts forever!!!
    What a great family you have and sorry you were all sick on Easter.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You're absolutely right! An amazing sacrifice for a world full of rotten people. That's unconditional love! Blessings to your family today and always!
